Episode 22:
Change your mind, change your business
Jeanette Peterson 0:02
But it's time to evolve. It's time for your thoughts to be who you are and what you allow to be in. Now, I know because you've been hanging out with the same friends for this many years, and they don't have the same thoughts that you have currently. And while you're evolving, it might feel like everybody's against you, or they're trying to tell you that you're thinking the wrong thoughts.
Jeanette Peterson 0:32
You're listening to the unapologetically unstoppable podcast, it's about going deep into who you are made to be. And following that, no matter what, where your calling is in the front seat, and fear, well, it's trying to stop you. But fuck that guy, and getting the tools and tips to become an unstoppable. I'm your host, Jeanette Peterson, where not too long ago, I had to find my calling. Here, you'll hear from me and other online experts on how to discover your calling, the steps to make it happen, and how to monetize it. I believe when we're unapologetic about our calling, we become an unstoppable expansive force. So let's get started.
Jeanette Peterson 1:39
Hey, girl, hey, a word that came to me recently was evolve. And I just want to talk about that. You know, you get to do you get to choose your thoughts. You get to decide what you think and how you live. And you repeat this after me. I am the thinker of my thoughts. And your dominant thoughts become easier and easier to think. I choose what I allow in? Yes, you do. You don't have to sit there and watch the news about people in shot every day. I don't do that. But you get to choose to if that's the place you want to live in. Go ahead, girlfriend. No judgement. But don't come to me. When you depress all the time. I'm just saying you choose your thoughts. You get to decide to be conformed or transformed. What are you going to do? Are you conform to what everybody's saying about you and around you and the things that they're doing? Or are you going to transform into the higher level of being that you were meant to be on this earth? I'm going to be transformed the whole but I'm not trying to conform. In fact, we're doing that right now. Allison and I are stepping out from behind the marketing adventure and stepping into this new space that we're evolving into.
Jeanette Peterson 3:27
We get to transform ourselves. We get to evolve, we get to become a better version of ourselves that we were previously. So I want you to think about this. You can either live transformed by changing form, on keeping with no reality like a caterpillar to a butterfly. You're still the same person you just look different to everybody else you can do more things you are you are working on the inside. Your character will be at the mercy of your circumstances. If you live a conformed life if you choose to conform your circumstances dictate you. If you transform you dictate your circumstances. Now you don't have to live a triggered life by design or by default. your thought life you get to decide what that is. And not at the mercy of what's happening all around you. Just because things bad things are happening around you does not mean that you have to be a victim of those circumstances. You can change your mindset. You can change what do you think? You want to think of your thoughts? I don't know if you get a chance to listen to last week's episode but I was talking about having an aneurysm If I changed my thoughts, I could have said, Oh my goodness, this is basically ticking time bomb in my head. At any point, I'm going to have a stroke and die. I might not even be able to see my two year olds next birthday. I didn't do that. Because I am the thinker of my thoughts. So I said, God, this is your problem, not mine. You will ask me how I was feeling I feel fine. Why do I? Why would I feel differently, I'm the thinker of my thoughts. And my thoughts say, I am fine. This is not something I need to worry about. There is an appointment over my life, there are things I have to do.
Jeanette Peterson 5:38
So I'm gonna keep moving in that my circumstances did not dictate my behavior. I am very prone to depression. But I did not have a depression bout over that did not which I don't know if I would have been able to do earlier in my life. But I don't have to live it triggered life. Everything that happens or every negative thing that happens in my life does not need to dictate my outcome. I am flowing from the truth of God's Word. And the more I know God, the more I can recognize God, and I have discernment to know that because I know God. And I know that God has eight employment over my life, and I don't have to worry about anything else. I don't have to worry, I believe him.
Jeanette Peterson 6:25
Now on this podcast, you might hear me say God, you might say universe or Holy Spirit or intuition or whatever. Say whatever you want, I know that the word God may be triggering for you. So change the word. But it's time to evolve. It's time for your thoughts to be who you are and what you allow to be in. Now, I know because you've been hanging out with the same friends for this many years, they're gonna have the same thoughts that you have currently. And while you're evolving, it might feel like everybody's against you or they're trying to tell you that you're thinking the wrong thoughts. And that's okay, because misery loves company company. They love being in that spot with you because then they know they've got a friend in the fire. The only fire friend that I need is Jesus, he's the ones gonna walk me out of here. I only people that are gonna keep me in my own self pity. My own woe is me attitude. I don't need that. I am the thinker of my thoughts. And my dominant thoughts become easier and easier to think. So I'm going to choose what I allow myself to think. I will not think that anything is a death since me, because I refuse to let that be my reality.
Jeanette Peterson 7:51
You have to keep changing and form with your inner reality. Your inner reality will become your outer reality. The more you keep acting and thinking and moving like a millionaire, the more likely you are to become one. The more you keep acting and thinking like a like a broke edge, the more likely you are to become and or stay one. Nobody's just gonna hand you a million dollars. And if they do, that does not mean that your situation will change. Just because you have money does not mean that you are broke mentality is going to change. You are the thinker of your thoughts. So it's time for you to change your thoughts about being conformed or transformed. What are you doing? Show me your five closest friends. And I can show you a reality. I could show you your future. If those five friends are broke, and sad and depressed, I guarantee you you're gonna be broke and sad and depressed if you hang around them, folks.
Jeanette Peterson 9:03
So it's time to evolve. Nobody likes living life triggered. So stop doing it to yourself. Stop watching Worldstar stop watching Fox News. Stop watching people get shot on the street. Do you want to be transformed? Or do you want to conform? Do you want to live a life of fear? Or do you want to live a life of love? Because the opposite of love is not hate? The opposite of love is fear. Are you are you living your kids from a life of love or love of fear? Do you think that a fear or out of love? I watched Jaws last night they were scared there was scary people they were scary scary scary Jerry's
Jeanette Peterson 9:56
and the mayor of the town He was leading from a place of fear. He was saying we have to get people in the water because we're not gonna get any money. Because then everybody's gonna go broke and we're gonna live on welfare, the whole town's gonna be on welfare. But if he had been thinking about love, hey, I love these people in this town. We need to do whatever's right for them, so that we can have people in this town in the future. He wasn't talking about the right now who's to say he was thinking but the right now he needs to be thinking about the future. He needs to be transformed. He can do it. So when you evolve, evolve into love, evolve into love?
Jeanette Peterson 10:52
Oh, my goodness. Now I know you're ready to take this to the next level. So what you need to do is go to Facebook join a community of bad as unapologetically unstoppable women at the unapologetically unstoppable community. And you can find me in the grams at Jeanette dot Peterson or at Peterson and Belle. This podcast was created by me, Jeanette Peterson, and Allison Hartman. Our producer is The Amy Williams. we'll talk soon
Transcription provided by www.theamywilliams.com
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